Barbell Shrugged

How to get Eight Perfect Hours of Sleep w/ Matteo Franceschetti, Anders Varner, Doug Larson, and Dr. Andy Galpin Barbell Shrugged


Matteo is the Co-Founder and CEO of Eight Sleep, the world's leading sleep enhancement company. Named one of the Most Innovative Companies in Consumer Electronics by Fast Company, Eight is redesigning the traditional concept of a mattress, by developing cutting-edge AI and machine learning models to track bio signals during sleep to optimize body recovery and rest. 


Prior to Eight, Matteo co-founded and led GIR (acquired in 2014) and Global Investment (acquired 2011), two companies in the renewable energy space. Matteo has been Co-Chair at and Mentor at Techstars, Microsoft Bizpark and the NYU Summer Launchpad Program. He is also a Member of the Forbes Technology Council.


Born in Italy and currently living in NYC, Matteo graduated magna cum laude with a Law degree from University of Ferrara. He was a member of the Italian Bar Association while working as a lawyer in the finance practice of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and Allen & Overy, both part of the Magic Circle of British's elite law firms.


Connect with our guests:


Matteo Franceschetti


Anders Varner on Instagram


Doug Larson on Instagram


Dr. Andy Galpin on Instagram


Coach Travis Mash on Instagram


Dan Garner on Instagram




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