In this episode Jenelle Marie Pierce gives advice on:

- Jenelle's background and The STD Project: from inception to now (04:04)

- How Jenelle contracted her STI as a teen (08:24)

- How Jenelle manages her relationships, sex life, and life in general with an STI (10:28)

- The difference between an STD and an STI (15:26)

- The most common STIs (18:24)

- Pubic lice: shaving and treatment (23:05)

- More common STIs (25:50)

- The scope of risks in transmitting an STI (e.g. blood transmission, skin to skin) (28:28)

- Exposure risks in oral sex and when sexually protected (e.g. using condoms) (33:28)

- Sores, outbreaks, and the rise of syphilis (39:25)

- The rise of STIs and how information is surveyed, gathered, and reported (44:32)

- The inconsistency of getting tested for STIs / STDs (48:20)

- Recommendations for testing and when depending on your sexual lifestyle (52:52)

- Testing as a commitment to your relationship and sexual health (57:57)

- Concerns about kissing and transmitting STIs (59:20)

- Statistics of the number of people with Herpes (1:01:00)

- What to do when discovering you have an STI: the importance of dealing with the social stigma and educating yourself (1:01:50)

- How to have an STI conversation with your partner (1:04:40)

- Common misunderstandings about STIs (1:15:55)

- The social pressure of talking about protective sex and being responsible to talk about it (1:17:35)

- How to connect with Jenelle to learn about more about her and her work (1:19:45)

- Recommendations for quality advice and knowledge in the area of STDs, dating, sex, and relationships (1:20:20)


- Recommendations for guys to improve their dating life (1:21:23)

GET MORE: Show Notes & Resources, Interview Transcript and Comments.


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