Support our sponsor by using the link below for the special Solomonster offer!BETTERHELP - Get 10 PERCENT OFF your first month and give online therapy a try at to start being your best self. Thanks to BetterHelp for sponsoring this week's episode!Solomonster reviews AEW Dynamite for May 17th with the announcement of AEW Collision debuting next month on TNT, which was overshadowed by even more drama today involving CM Punk, who was NOT announced by AEW. In fact, Warner Brothers Discovery says Punk has no affiliation with Collision whatsoever. The latest on the Punk rumors going around and how the deal to bring him back may well have fallen apart, what Ace Steel might have to do with it and more absolute nonsense. Despite the drama, Dynamite was an enjoyable show with a great Falls Count Anywhere match between Chris Jericho and Roderick Strong, and the return of Hangman Page to reunite with The Elite for Anarchy in the Arena at Double or Nothing.***Follow Solomonster on Twitter for news and opinion: to the Solomonster Sounds Off on YouTube: a Solomonster Sounds Off Channel Member:

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