In this episode - did you hear about the T-Mobile customer who received a six figure bill for an international trip? Get Clark smart advice for traveling overseas with your phone. Also today - there’s a new warning out about a scam trying to collect money from you from phantom tolls.

International Calling: Segment 1

Ask Clark: Segment 2

Toll Collection Scam Warning: Segment 3

Ask Clark: Segment 4

Mentioned on the show:

PhoneArena: This T-Mobile customer got a $143442.74 bill after a three-week Switzerland vacation

The Best International Phone Plans

Google Fi Wireless: My Experience as a Five-Year Customer (Pros and Cons)

Hello Mobile

How To Choose the Best Charities for Your Donations

What's the Best Way To Donate to a Charity?

Alert: FBI issues warning on toll road smishing scam

USA TODAY: Road toll 'smishing' texts on the rise, FBI says: Here's what to know

E-ZPass Group - Home

T-Mobile 5G Home Internet: 5 Things To Know Before You Sign Up

How To Prevent, Report and Repair Identity Theft

Thank you for listening today, Clarkies! If you want to be part of our “Clarkie” segment, call 404-981-2071 to leave a comment or story. We may play it during a future episode! resources

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