Mystery Theater aired on CBS Radio from 1974 through 1982. It was an hour drama created and directed by Himan Brown who also created and directed the Inner Sanctum Mystery (1941-1952). E. G. Marshall was the host of Mystery Theater until Tammy Grimes took over in the last year of broadcast.
This channel is the culmination of a project to...
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Mystery Theater aired on CBS Radio from 1974 through 1982. It was an hour drama created and directed by Himan Brown who also created and directed the Inner Sanctum Mystery (1941-1952). E. G. Marshall was the host of Mystery Theater until Tammy Grimes took over in the last year of broadcast.
This channel is the culmination of a project to restore all 1,399 Mystery Theater episodes. All episodes will consist of:
Original programs with theme music intact
All segments restored (Intro/Teaser/Preview/Outro)
No commecials
No sponsor mentions
No newscasts
No late breaking news/sports interruptions
No station IDs
If you find any errors in the programs please notify me at
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