It's a great time to be a hobby jogger seeking value because brands and turning over their lineups from top-to-bottom. When the calendar hits January, new daily trainers drop, which means this year's models are already on deep discount. In this episode, I highlight the best running shoes you can buy right now for under $110.
Sign up for the Supwell app for the exclusive Running Warehouse discount code: (along with the most supportive hobby jogger community, best buy, sell and trade shoe marketplace and exclusive Hobby Jogger gear discounts)
All Running Warehouse prices below shown with 10% Supwell discount applied. Code is at top of Deals channel on app
2. Buy your new shoes, running gear and fuel through my Running Warehouse link. I also have a discount code on the app above that gets you 20% off apparel and 10% off fuel and discount
3. Get matched with the best running shoe for you at (I built the running shoe database and matching logic. It's pretty cool and actually works)
4. Buy a hobby jogger hat and other cool Supwell Certified drip at
5. Follow the Instagram
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