Decoding Retirement

Decoding Retirement


Retirement planning doesn’t mean locking up your money for a rainy day and forgetting about it. Planning your future means reacting to events today. Decoding Retirement gives you the tools to navigate the years ahead, and take action now! Each week, Robert 'Bob' Powell will dissect the big headlines, decode key themes, and unpack the possible domin...

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Retirement planning doesn’t mean locking up your money for a rainy day and forgetting about it. Planning your future means reacting to events today. Decoding Retirement gives you the tools to navigate the years ahead, and take action now! Each week, Robert 'Bob' Powell will dissect the big headlines, decode key themes, and unpack the possible domino effect for your money. When it comes to retirement planning, Robert Powell and Yahoo Finance will not let you fall behind! Every Tuesday at 12PM ET on your favorite podcast platform.

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