Today we’ll explore whether makeup has become less ‘splurge-worthy’, the ethics of influencers promoting fake designer products, and The Verdict is back, and we’ll find out where you stand on the Cool Cabanas debate. But first, we’re going to explore how the Australian Open became a fashion event. 

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Big thanks to Upstate for making this episode of Style-ish possible! Get 30 days of unlimited classes for just $29 with the code STYLEISH. Find your positive state of mind at

Your hosts today were Maddison Sullivan-Thorpe (@maddisonsullivanthorpe), Anika Joshi-Smith (@anikajoshismith) and Rhiannon Joyce (@joannafleming).

Style-ish's producers are Lucy Hunt and Cait Emma Burke, the researcher was Chloe Wilson. 

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We’ll see you back here next Wednesday.

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Is the Australian Open our biggest fashion event?
