Mike Fave and Chrissy Rice discuss healing from injury and beating inflammation.

Grab The FREE Nutrition Blueprint Guide 📖 Video Course 🎥+ BONUS "What I Eat In A Day And Why Breakdown Video" (UPDATED) 👇 https://mikefave.com/

Work with Chrissy 👉 https://www.chrissyrice.com/

Chrissy's Bioenergetic Cookbook 🍏👇


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Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeFaveScience

Follow Chrissy: https://www.instagram.com/chrissyricewellness/

0:00 Intro

1:09 Getting Blood Supply to the Tissues

6:07 Red Light + Chrissy's Husbands Experience w/ Red Light

12:18 CO2 Therapy 21:27 Topical Pregnenolone, DHEA, Progesterone

26:19 Mike's Inflammatory Stack

30:40 Vitamin C & Collagen

33:38 Ice vs. Heat?

35:54 Key Takeaways

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