In this episode of OnAir Professor Ulla Møller Weinreich, Head of the Danish Lung Society, explains the why, who and how of the national guidelines for home HFT her team created in 20191, including:
- Why they started using home HFT and the clinical benefits they discovered, including reduced dyspnoea, easier work of breathing and improved mucus clearance, 2 and cost-effectiveness of the treatment.3
Which patients benefit the most from the treatment – and how it can ease some of the physiological strains experienced by those with COPD or bronchiectasis.
How clinicians can initiate HFT with patients, starting by defining clear indications and treatment goals, before moving on to practical considerations such as setting the right flow and choosing the right cannula.
Professor Ulla Møller Weinreich - Head of the Respiratory Research Unit, Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark, and Head of the Danish Lung Society
Nina Wiklund is ResMed’s Global Medical Marketing Content Lead, and has a burning enthusiasm for clinical research. She is especially interested in the additional insights and possibilities real-world evidence can add to existing RCTs.
References and useful links:
- Storgaard LH, Hockey H, Laursen BS, Weinreich UM. Long-term effects of oxygen-enriched high-flow nasal cannula treatment in COPD patients with chronic hypoxemic respiratory failure. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2018;13:1195-1205.
Weinreich, U. M., Juhl, K. S., Søby Christophersen, M., Gundestrup, S., Hanifa, M. A., Jensen, K., … Storgaard, L. H. (2023). The Danish respiratory society guideline for long-term high flow nasal cannula treatment, with or without supplementary oxygen. European Clinical Respiratory Journal, 10(1).
Sørensen SS, Storgaard LH, Weinreich UM. Cost-Effectiveness of Domiciliary High Flow Nasal Cannula Treatment in COPD Patients with Chronic Respiratory Failure.
Clinicoecon Outcomes Res. 2021;13:553-564
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