We talk about several news stories on this week's show. Check out our show notes below:
For more information on the disproportionate toll on Palestinians lives since 1917, see Rashid Khalidi, The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine, A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017, (N.Y., Henry Holt & Co., 2020).
The Haaretz podcast quoted in this episode can be found at: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/podcasts/2024-11-30/ty-article-podcast/.premium/netanyahus-war-on-the-israeli-media-and-how-it-is-already-affecting-press-freedom/00000193-7e85-d7fe-a393-7f8d17600000
For a general summary of anti-BDS laws in the United States, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws
The story about Mr. Moshe Yaalon, “Former Defense Minister Accuses Israel of Committing War Crimes in Gaza,” by Adam Rasgon, Liam Stock, and Natan Odenheimer, N.Y. Times, December 1, 2024, can be found at: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/01/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-yaalon.html?searchResultPosition=1
Consider subscribing to Haaretz for current information: https://promotion.haaretz.com/offers?htm_source=site&htm_medium=button&htm_campaign=subscription&htm_campaign_type=subscription&htm_content=hello_default
For Robert Reich’s discussion of the Hunter Biden pardon, see: https://mail.proton.me/u/9/almost-all-mail/Am-6ux8A5oEB0nmcKi31CF20XS8OhqQudOuS2jZXVuhKuHqY_ow6xCSLufsK90KwVBhZVxHA9cEUmIEBpjPjKw==#keyword=Reich