TNT Video

Joe Hoff, Mike Netter and Garland Favorito on State of the Nation - 27 June 2024


GUEST OVERVIEW: Joe Hoff worked around the world for a Fortune 500 Corporation while attending executive meetings, and board and audit committee meetings in multiple countries. He lived in Hong Kong for nearly a decade overseeing the major business function for a multinational US corporation and prior to that oversaw the financial reporting for multimillion-dollar and billion-dollar entities. He’s earned ten degrees or designations, including an MBA, CPA, CISA and FLMI.

GUEST OVERVIEW: Mike Netter, Vice Chair of Rebuild California and KABC Radio Host is a veteran of distribution, sales and marketing. He is now applying his business expertise to state politics to create a powerful team of volunteers and allied organizations to further the cause of conservatism in the State of California. Mike helped spearhead the effort to recall Gavin Newsom. You can follow him on X at @nettermike or visit his website at:

GUEST OVERVIEW: Garland Favorito is Elections Director For Constitutional Party of Georgia.

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