Avsnitt #9 Vakantietips - Opscheppen over stress - Gamen na je werk - Nadenken doet pijn - Focustest Focus Bites Spela Dela Facebook Twitter Kopiera länk
In deze aflevering praten we je bij over: Vakantietips Opscheppen over stress Gamen na je werk Nadenken doet pijn Focustest Shownotes Vacation (after-) effects on employee health and well-being, and the role of vacation activities, experiences and sleep “I'm so stressed!”: The relational consequences of stress bragging Recovery from work by playing video games Sometimes it hurts to think Test Your Focus: Can You Spend 10 Minutes With One Painting? — Presentator: Oscar de Bos Podcast- en videomaker: Juun Hoyng focusbites.com Rss Apple Podcaster →