Welcome to this special mini episode of the No Ordinary Cloth podcast, where we explore the fascinating world of textiles and fashion and the innovative minds shaping its future. Today, we're spotlighting the Manufacturing Futures 2024 - Innovation Challenge, a pivotal event for UK-based startups and SMEs in the fashion industry. 

There is some exciting news to share, do listen in to the end of the episode.

Here's what we cover in this episode:

Details about the Manufacturing Futures Innovation Challenge 2024 competition and what the winner can expect as prize money and support

You will also get some insights from the judges themselves - what is important to them, what they are looking for in the applications, tips. This will give you hopefully help prepare your application.

Jen Keane from Modern Synthesis, winners of a previous Manufacturing Futures competition, will be sharing about her startup that makes biomaterials and about their collaborating with GANNI to develop the Bou bag using nano cellulose materials made by bacteria.

This episode not only highlights the Manufacturing Futures Innovation Challenge but also serves as a reminder of the power of innovation and the importance of community in shaping the future of fashion. Whether you're directly involved in the fashion industry or simply passionate about innovation and sustainability, this challenge represents a fantastic opportunity to contribute to meaningful change.

Manufacturing Futures 2024 [https://www.fashion-district.co.uk/competition/manufacturing-futures-2024/#:~:text=The%20Fashion%20District%20is%20delighted,supporting%20new%20innovations%20and%20SMEs.]  - find out all the details about the challenge here

Fashion District [https://www.fashion-district.co.uk/]

Instagram: @fd_ldn  [https://www.instagram.com/fd_ldn/]

Twitter/X: @fd_ldn  [https://twitter.com/fd_ldn?lang=en]

LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/fdldn

Modern Synthesis [https://www.modernsynthesis.com/]

Link to survey [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5dvn2fDBUa8keNkdxKY-5Kac_3JKSOzkdHG0NjtDGKcow0A/viewform?usp=sf_link]  - would deeply appreciate your feedback, it will only take a couple of minutes

Connect with Mili Tharakan


Instagram: @noordinarycloth [https://www.instagram.com/noordinarycloth/]

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mjtharakan/

Cover art: Photo by Siora, Photography on Unsplash

Music: Inspired Ambient, Orchestraman

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