Managing Managers

Episode 8: Introspection, spotting strengths and building great teams, not just good teams with Tramale Turner


Tramale Turner has a lot of leadership and management experience to share, across a broad range of fascinating companies. In this episode we cover topics like the importance of introspective, the skill in spotting strengths in others and what it means to build not just good teams, but great ones.

Guest Biography:

Tramale is a highly experienced and motivated technical professional and is currently SVP of Engineering at ActionIQ. He has previously worked as CTO at Taxbit and Head of Engineering at Stripe. Prior to Stripe Tramale has held engineering leadership roles at companies such as F5 Networks and Nintendo, and technical and marketing leadership roles at Critical Mass and Volkswagen.

He has a passion for developing technology leaders at all levels, and is determined to hear underrepresented voices amplified in our industry.

Transcript and show notes available here:

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