I interview Rachel Lieberman of @puregenerators! I've been a fangirl of Rachel's for a long time – with her stunning design, valuable and practical content, and warm Vessel of Love energy, it truly was an honor to have her on. Plus, we dig into her latest creative project, an extensive yet clear and digestible Human Design book, A Modern Guide to Human Design!

We also chat about:• her creative journey as a 1/3 profile – navigating insecurity + the unknown at the beginning to now living a deeply creative life• her embodied take on the difference between generators + manifesting generators as someone who's worked with generators for years now• and much more!

RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:📙 Rachel's HD book – "A Modern Guide to Human Design"📲 Rachel's Instagram – @puregenerators


GET STARTED WITH HUMAN DESIGN + GENE KEYS FOR FREE:🚀 Pull your charts: https://www.mariahenning.com/chart/🪢 Gene Keys Masterclass: DETANGLE: How to Read + Interpret Gene Keys Charts

WANT TO LISTEN TO EVERY PODCAST INTERVIEW I’VE BEEN ON?🎙️ Spotify Playlist: Podcasts ft. Maria Henning

MAIN LINKS:📱 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bymariahenning/💻 All other links (freebies | courses | readings): https://linktr.ee/mariahenning

to infinity + beyond, m 🛸


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