In this captivating episode of "Dear People of Earth," we are joined by the esteemed Captain Ron Janix, the organizer of the renowned Contact in the Desert event. As we celebrate their 10th anniversary, we delve into the fascinating world of UFOs, discussing the incredible lineup of guests and speakers for this year's event.
Captain Ron Janix shares his insights on the latest developments in UFO research and disclosure, as well as the impact of these events on public perception and understanding. We also explore other significant UFO disclosure events happening around the world, bringing you the latest news and information from the forefront of this enigmatic field.
Tune in to "Dear People of Earth" to learn more about the upcoming Contact in the Desert event and other exciting developments in the world of UFO research and disclosure. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and join the conversation!
Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Steve Sprague. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Steve Sprague och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.