The Road to Sherwood 01 - The Adventures of Robin Hood

Guests: Jonathan Howell, Rick Ingham and Robin Burdge from the Swordboys podcast

The first stop along The Road to Sherwood is here. Technically half of the first stop is here, the other half is over on the Swordboys podcast feed. Listen to part one of our look at the 1938 classic Robin Hood movie that is the basis of so many Robin Hood projects that followed.


Jonathan Howell - Minute: Impossible | The Cast and the Furious

Rick Ingham - Mad Max Minute

Robin Burdge - Fright Night Minute | Karate Kid Minute

Next time on The Road to Sherwood: The Mask of Zorro

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Email! Send an email to with your thoughts, comments or questions. Better yet - Be a part of the show! Send me an audio recording of yourself that I can include in a future episode. Share your memories of seeing Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves for the first time, or your favorite moments.

Check out my other podcasts: Reel Comic Heroes and Watchmen Minute

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Minute of Thieves music by Carlyle Laurent with lyrics by ChatGPT and Travis Bow

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