
ResDance Series 5: Episode 9: Critical Pedagogies in dance education and training - Nurturing the creative agent dancer with Phaedra Petsilas


ResDance Series 5: Episode 9: Critical Pedagogies in dance education and training - Nurturing the creative agent dancer with Phaedra Petsilas

In this episode, Phaedra shares insight into her experiences as a dancer, educator and researcher and how these continue to inform her practices in mentoring and supporting dance students to achieve their full potential as creative and thinking dance artists.  We discuss ways of approaching dance training and explore how Phaedra uses theoretical ideas and frameworks to work towards innovating pedagogy. She brings voice to the importance of encouraging an openness to change within education and particularly

within conservatoire education.  Throughout the episode, Phaedra reveals her passion towards inclusion and well-being and fostering a sense of belonging, autonomy and agency for all.

Phaedra Petsilas is Head of Studies at Rambert School where she is a member of the executive management team, responsible for the academic provision, as well as research and professional development. Phaedra is originally from Athens, Greece, and trained as a dancer in ballet and contemporary dance. She has an MA in Dance Studies from Trinity Laban, a PGCE from the University of Greenwich and a BA(Hons) in Dance and Related Arts from the University of Chichester. She is also a senior Fellow of Advance HE.

Phaedra is an experienced dance educator and has expertise in both practical and academic aspects of dance. She thrives on mentoring and supporting dance students to achieve their full potential as fully rounded, creative and thinking dance artists.  She is an activ(ist) approach to her work as an educator and is always working towards innovating pedagogy, particularly within conservatoire education. She is passionate about inclusion and well-being, as well as establishing an ethics of care within education, fostering a sense of belonging, autonomy and agency for all students.

Her research spans across a diverse range of areas within dance as a practice, from embodied reflection to notions of space and place in the perception of choreography. Her current research is centred around radical dance pedagogy. Phaedra has published articles in The Journal for Dance Education and The Journal for Dance and Somatic Practices, as well as chapters in books about education and articles for industry advocate organisations, such as

OneDanceUK and People Dancing. Her current research includes exploring ways in which well-being practices are embedded within the dance curriculum, focusing on dancer’s agency and unpacking the tension between artistic freedom, institutionalisation and traditionally entrenched notions of dance training. She is also undertaking PhD research on dance pedagogy and has completed the Inclusive Cultures Clore Leadership Programme.

Contact details:

Instagram: @ppetsilas 


Other Social Media handles: @rambertschool

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