
ResDance Series 5: Episode 8: Cross-disciplinary potential of movement-based research with Rajyashree Ramesh


In this episode, Rajyashree Ramesh shares her wealth of experiences as a performer-choreographer, Certified Laban Movement Analyst, Movement Researcher and Cultural Scientist. Through the sharing of her cross-cultural journey of dance and body knowledge in cultural traditions, she revels her thinking around the centrality of the body in relation to bodily experience, felt and embodied meaning and approaches to findings a holistic sensed experience of the body. Rajyashree reflects upon her own research practices and the coming together of these in shaping her own journey.

Dr. Rajyashree Ramesh, PhD, CLMA, is an Indian born, Berlin-based

performer-choreographer, Certified Laban Movement Analyst, Movement Researcher and Cultural Scientist. Trained since early childhood in the solo dance traditions and music of South India, she moved to Berlin, Germany in 1977. Her unique artistic journey since then has centred around a cross-cultural transmission of dance and body knowledge in Indian traditions beyond cultural boundaries. Since 1996 she has been promoting both upcoming dancers and multi-genre cross-cultural stage productions under the banner Rasika Dance Theatre International.

After certifying as a Laban Movement Analyst under Peggy Hackney in 2008, she channelized her work into academic research, receiving a doctorate in 2019 from the Europe-University Viadrina in Germany. Her empirical research titled “Sensing and Shaping: The emotive-kinetic grounding of meaning. A cross-disciplinary analysis of Indian dance theatre” integrated the dance, body, and movement knowledge in Natya with current fields of research such as

Linguistic Gesture Studies, Cognitive Science, Brain Research on Emotions, and Fascia Research. The practical outcome has been a trans-disciplinary Movement Studies program she coins “Bharatha

to Bartenieff” with two central modules “FasciaNatya” and “CoreConcepts”.

For further information:

Contact details:

Email: /


Instagram: @dr_rajyashreeramesh


Other Social Media handles:


Instagram:, Rajyashree Ramesh Academy

Some published articles and papers:

Fernandes, Ciane and Rajyashree Ramesh (2005): Revisiting Ancient Tradition. In: Ravi Chatuverdi and Brian Singleton (eds.), Ethnicity and Identity: Global Performance, 3-15. Jaipur: Rawat Publications.

Fernandes, Ciane and Rajyashree Ramesh (2006): The Laban/Bartenieff System as Applied in Practice to Indian Classical dance. In: Proceedings of the XXIV Biannual Conference of International Council of Kinetography Laban, 87-101.

London: LABAN.

Ramesh, Rajyashree (2008): Culture and Cognition in Bharatanatyam. Integrated Movement Studies Certification Program Application Project. Unpublished Document

Ramesh, Rajyashree (2013): Indian traditions: a grammar of gestures in dance, theatre and ritual. In: Cornelia Müller, Alan Cienki, Ellen Fricke, Silva H. Ladewig, David McNeill and Sedinha Teßendorf (eds.), Body – Language Communication: An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction. (Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science 38.1), 306-320. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Ramesh, Rajyashree (2014): Gestures in Southwest India: Dance theater. In: Cornelia Müller, Alan Cienki, Ellen Fricke, Silva H. Ladewig, David McNeill and Sedinha Teßendorf (eds.), Body – Language – Communication: An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction. (Handbooks of

Linguistics and Communication Science 38.2), 1226-1233. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Ramesh, Rajyashree (2023): Embodied concepts in Indian Traditions

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