
ResDance Series 5: Episode 7: Applications of psychology research in the dance sector with Lucie Clements


Applications of psychology research in the dance sector with Lucie Clements

In this episode, Lucie shares insight into her own experiences in dance and her work as “the dance psychologist”, developing evidence-based support for performing artists.  Alongside sharing the approaches employed in her educational and coaching practices and research, Lucie discusses her wider thinking around the role of psychology in dance and a greater awareness of psychological support for performing artists, more generally. Throughout the episode, Lucie opens up about the challenges she has personally faced and how

she uses these experiences to further help support dancers.

Dr Lucie Clements studied Psychology, Dance Science and Psychological Coaching and lectures in dance and psychology in several Higher Education institutions. In 2018 she began working as “the dance psychologist”, using her expertise gained as a psychologist, educator and researcher to develop evidence-based coaching, workshops and consultancy for performing artists. Research and evidence are key to Lucie’s work. Her expertise lies in the psychosocial underpinnings of optimal dance performance - which means the role of the training environment,teachers, parents, and peers in nurturing healthy dance engagement.

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Instagram: @thedancepsychologist


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