After the Gloaming is a production of Dissonance Media and The Other Stories.

The Broomway was written by Caitlin Marceau.

Caitlin is a queer author and lecturer based in Montreal. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing, is an Active Member of the Horror Writers Association, and has spoken about genre literature at several Canadian conventions. She spends most of her time writing horror and experimental fiction but has also been published for poetry as well as creative non-fiction. Her work includes "Palimpsest", "23 McCormick Road", "Magnum Opus", and her debut novella, "This Is Where We Talk Things Out". She also has two other collections, "Femina" & "A Blackness Absolute". For more, check out

This episode was narrated by James Barnett AKA Jimmy Horrors. James is the creator/producer of the Night’s End podcast and After the Gloaming. He is also a writer and voice actor and more recently an audio producer on The Other Stories podcast. You can connect with him on social media @jimmyhorrors. For more info on James’s projects, head to

Henry Blackwood was performed by Xander Zweig

Shelly Stevenson was performed by Alexandra Elroy

After the Gloaming script was written by James Barnett.

Sound production and editing was completed by James Barnett.

Theme music was scored by Duncan Muggleton and produced by James Barnett.

Music and sound effects were provided by: Epidemic Sound, Sound Stripe, and

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