At the age of three, Ed Hajim was kidnapped by his father, driven cross-country, and told his mother had died.  As his father tried to find work overseas during the Great Depression, Ed spent his childhood in a string of foster homes and orphanages.


Despite these dire circumstances, Ed earned a scholarship to attend the University of Rochester, served in the U.S. Navy, graduated from Harvard Business School and went on to build an extraordinary career on Wall Street.  As a philanthropist, Ed has supported numerous charitable organizations through his family foundation.


In today’s episode, Ed shares his story and life lessons, which you can read much more about in two books he recently published: On the Road Less Traveled and The Island of the Four P’s – a Modern Fable about Preparing for Your Future.

In the episode we will learn:

  • (2:13) – Where does Ed’s story begin?
  • (6:06) – What does Ed remember about his father’s relationship with him and wealth?
  • (8:10) – How important is education to Ed?
  • (10:25) – What interested Ed in the financial services industry?
  • (13:47) – What, beyond his analytical ability, was the key to Ed’s success in the financial services industry?
  • (15:44) – What does Ed mean when he says ‘You should never start anything from scratch’?
  • (17:55) – What are some life lessons that Ed has for parents raising children from a position of wealth?
  • (21:12) – Why is family so important to Ed?
  • (22:44) – What is the “Why” that drives Ed?
  • (25:27) – What did Ed find out about his family from a forgotten suitcase of letters?
  • (28:24) – How does Ed feel his childhood affected him?
  • (29:49) – What does Ed believe to be the four pillars of success in life?

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