Emma Carroll is joined by Paul Pellizzari in this episode of Business Leader’s Voice, a new series providing a client’s-eye view of the professional services landscape. 

Organisations across the globe are on their individual journeys to deliver on new and challenging ESG ambitions. There’s a lot to do, from deciding where to focus limited internal resources, to deciding how to measure success, to communicating an authentic story to a diverse range of interested stakeholders.  

In this podcast, we talk to Paul about how he is leading on this challenge at Hard Rock, one of the world’s most recognised brands. He discusses the importance of the “S” aspect of ESG to the Hard Rock business model and where the big challenges and rewards lie. 

We talk about the risk of setting unachievable goals, what “meaningful” metrics really are, and what business leaders are looking for from consulting firms in this space.

About the series: Business Leader’s Voice is essential listening for those seeking to understand what’s important to clients. Speaking to influential buyers and users of professional services, Source’s managing editor, Emma Carroll, asks the big questions about what really matters to firms today and offers fresh insight into the critical issues occupying the headspace of senior executives.  

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