I get asked a LOT of questions when it comes to learning guitar. I love to answer them but don’t always get the time to answer everyone’s questions. So today, I thought I’d share some of the most commonly asked questions I get and give you… my answers.


We’re talking about how many scales you should learn on guitar, how to move around the fretboard, which guitar teachers I recommend, and if people like Justin Sandercoe and Jamie Andreas are good (honest answers inside)… Plus a whole lot more (including a reference to the awesome character The Riddler from the Batman movies, haha).


If you enjoy this podcast and want more help from me, you’ll be pleased to know the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy is now open for enrolment for a short while. You get a whole lot of bonuses posted to you just for trying it out and you can find out more about it here - https://fingerstyle101.com/academy/


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