This episode discusses the funding landscape of WPS globally and in the UK, as well as the the research findings and recommendations from GAPS’ Key to Change Research on funding women's rights organisations and women led organisations in fragile and conflict affected contexts. Host, Florence Waller - Carr (GAPS Policy and Advocacy Manager) is joined by Helen Kezie-Nwoha (@keziehelen) who is the Executive Director of the Women’s International Peace Centre, a regional organization that promotes women’s participation in peace building and Eva Tabbasam (@aasmaeva1) who is the is Director at GAPS UK, a network of development, human rights, humanitarian and peacebuilding INGOs.

You can find out more about GAPS’ work and our future plans on our Twitter @GAPS_Network and by signing up for our monthly newsletter on our website. You can contact us at

The Key to Change research mentioned in this podcast can be found here:

This podcast is made through the support of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs through their funding of the LEAP4Peace Consortium, which GAPS is a member of. This podcast is hosted by Eva Tabbasam and Florence Waller - Carr, and it is written, produced by Florence Waller – Carr and supported by the GAPS Team. Our thanks also to Andrew O’Connor at Saferworld for the technical support and to Jimena Duran at NIMD, who are the Consortium lead for LEAP4Peace. The music used in this podcast was produced by Tribe of Noise PRO.

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