Ump Show Part II: Hunter Wendelstedt's postgame excuse was worse than his on-field performance after tossing Aaron Boone from a game for saying...nothing. (16:43)

Is this the best version of the Phillies? We hype the Ranger Suarez encore. (7:46)

(11:20) Dylan Cease said this was his best start in a minute. AJ points out a big simple stat that made the difference.

(26:33) Jared Jones pitch of the year? Jeff McNeil got two balls and one strike :/

(37:16) Did we predict the Colton Cowser MOO takeover coming last year? Also, that Camilo Doval entrance has us thinking about other marketing ideas for teams at the park.

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Hosts: Kratz, AJ & Braun had fun reading an epic clapback from FT fans to an FT troll :)

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