One of the most popular running goals is to run a half marathon in under two hours. A 1:59 half marathon is faster than the average finisher - it's a time that represents lots of hard work and dedication. In this episode, we are sharing tips from our years of coaching runners to this goal. Even if you have already run a sub-2 half marathon, this episode may still have some helpful running tips for you!

Discussion points include:

How do you know if you could run a sub-2 half marathon?

Training paces for preparing for a sub-2 half marathon

How to fuel during a half marathon

Do you need to carb load for a half marathon?

How many miles should you run per week when training for a 2 hour half marathon?

How far should you run before a 2 hour half marathon?

How many weeks should you train for a half marathon?

How to pace a 1:59 half marathon

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