Today we’re joined by 6/2 Reflector, Lorna Devine. Lorna is a Psychologist and high functioning anxiety specialist for leaders and entrepreneurs. She helps people with the kind of anxiety that no-one really notices - on the outside they seem to have it all together, they appear calm, confident and collected but in reality, on the inside they are struggling with anxiety, stress and self-doubt.

Highlights include:

  • 3 defining moments in building her personal brand
  • The signs and physical manifestations of high functioning anxiety
  • Methods Lorna tried to ease and understand her anxiety
  • How curiosity and self-discovery led Lorna to undercover she was an HSP
  • How the journey of self-acceptance can be really healing
  • Ways to find freedom of high functioning anxiety
  • Common things leaders and entrepreneurs struggle with
  • The difference between anxiety and high functioning anxiety
  • The root causes and core beliefs of high functioning anxiety
  • The importance of environment, spaces and who you spend your time with
  • The process of decision making as a reflector
  • Top tips to support leaders and entrepreneurs with high functioning anxiety

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All my love,

Livy xx

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