This week’s guest is Elisabeth McLaughlin, 1/3 Generator. Elisabeth is a Sustainability Consultant who supports heart-led founders with a more socially and environmentally conscious way of business through ethics, good governance and client stewardship.

Highlights include:

  • 3 stand out moments in building her personal brand
  • The concept of greenwashing
  • The reason why some companies don’t embody their sustainability message
  • How Elisabeth left the corporate world and set up her business
  • Things that need to change in the coaching industry
  • 6 key areas of sustainability and ethical marketing to focus on
  • Pricing transparency in business
  • How to market your services ethically
  • The shift from pain point marketing in the industry
  • How to check your copy is ethical
  • 3 tips on conscious marketing

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All my love,

Livy xx

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