Skyjacks follows the adventures of the crew of The Uhuru– the most notorious sky pirates in the world of Spéir. Captain Orimar Vale (Nathan Blades) is the most feared and respected corsair in the sky....
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Skyjacks follows the adventures of the crew of The Uhuru– the most notorious sky pirates in the world of Spéir. Captain Orimar Vale (Nathan Blades) is the most feared and respected corsair in the sky. In a world of cursed seas, wild seasons, and capricious luminaries he has more enemies than anyone can count. Unfortunately for his crew, he is dead. Only his council Jonnit Kessler (Tyler Davis,) Gable (Liz Anderson,) Dref Wormwood (John Patrick Coan,) and Travis Matagot (Johnny O’Mara) know the truth. Set in a folktale-punk world inspired by the music of The Decemberists, Illimat, folklore, and classic adventure fiction– Skyjacks explores anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, and queer themes. It's hilarious, gripping, and earnest. This streamlined feed is the best way to start and catch up with the show. It cuts dated announcements from midrolls and post-rolls from originally aired episodes and includes recaps between arcs. You can always jump ahead to the original Campaign: Skyjacks feed which has almost 200 episodes!