Greetings once again from the still frosty Christchurch - Pubcasters Dodge, Shifty's Replacement; Andrew the Canadian and Special Guest John Rockwell (the Aussie Kiwi) get together in our old favourite - The Vespa Bar - to talk it up and drink it down for your listening pleasure... Air New Zealand has been 'caught' taking Aussie Troops to Iraq for extra pocket money - we find out if anyone in NZ actually gives a f*ck... We kick off the Rugby World cup build up - does NZ being red hot favourites mean that they just won't win the title... again? Does living in New Zealand make you happy? And what is happyness anyways.... And where is that pint I ordered..???? Tunes this time where: Intro: 'Chains' from tha Che Fu - And Outro was 'Turn it around' from The Black Seeds Click below to start listening - Or right click on the link and select 'Save Target As' which will allow you to save the mp3 file to your machine...... or subscribe through itunes DOWNLOAD PUBCAST SESSION 26 Talkback to

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