This week on Ned’s Pod, we’re joined by one of our favorite Ned’s guest stars, Tristin Mays AKA Bernice! Tristin is a multi-talented actor, writer, and director, best known for her role as Riley Davis in “MacGyver” and her many guest star roles in some of Nickelodeon’s best shows. Tristin and the gang talk all about her time on Nickelodeon, everyone’s love lives and thoughts on marriage, and the awesome projects Tristin’s been working on. Devon also confronts Tristin about why she ghosted him years ago.

What were Kenan & Kel really like in person? Why did Lindsey think she’d never see the guys again? Why DID Tristin ghost Devon?? Tune in to find out!

You can follow Tristin @tristinmays on Instagram and TikTok.

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