In our latest episode of Distribution First, we dive into the fear that holds many content creators back from effective distribution with special guest Ross Simmonds. Ross shares the importance of facing these fears head-on and provides valuable insights on how to overcome them to maximize the impact of your content.

Key Takeaways:

1. Fear can hinder content distribution: Many content creators fear that their content may be perceived as mediocre if met with silence, leading to hesitation in promoting it.

2. Distribution is limitless: Understanding the vast reach of the internet enables content creators to be shameless and strategic in promotion, reaching potentially millions of ideal customers.

3. Distribution influences content creation: Focusing on distribution from the outset serves as a crucial gut check to ensure content is actionable and resonates with the audience.

Tune in to the episode for in-depth discussions and practical strategies to conquer distribution fears and optimize your content's impact. Listen now to gain valuable insights and level up your content marketing game!

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