Malta is an island steeped in history, with more than its fair share of ghost stories. Some stories have been around for centuries, and some derive from the strong bond the Maltese have with their Catholic faith. This podcast takes you around the island’s haunted stories that could be in a fort, a public building or even a Church. - Malta; gżira msawwra fl-istorja b’ħafna stejjer tal- ħares li tnislu maż-żmienijiet. Xi stejjer ilhom jeżistu għal sekli sħaħ, u xi wħud nibtu mir-rabta qawwija li l-Maltin għandhom mal-fidi nisranija. Dan il-podcast ser jieħdkom madwar rakkonti ta’ dehriet magħrufa u mhux daqstant magħrufa, li seħħew f’xi forti, f’xi bini pubbliku jew saħansitra ġo xi knisja.

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