Jessica Meils The Podcast

9. Q&A: How To Strengthen + Trust Your Communication With Spirit, The Difference Between A Psychic and Mediumship Reading, Asking For Signs + Spirit Animals.


How can I trust messages from my spirit guides? What does it mean if I keep seeing a certain animal?

In this week's episode of Jessica Meils: The Podcast, our psychic medium host Jessica answers questions from podcast listeners about various topics from her own personal experience as a psychic medium, intuitive healer and mentor. 

She shares more about her beginnings while strengthening her communication with spirit - and covers more subjects including animal communication, the difference between psychic readings and mediumship and the correlation between the signs we see in everyday life and what they mean, and never forgetting how important rest and boundaries are. 

She reminds us in this human life that we have divine help on the other side that we don't see with physical eyes and overall it takes good amounts of practice to trust more in the messages spirit guides can send you. 

See below for special announcements regarding the giveaway!


Animal Power by Alyson Charles: Amazon

The Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell: Amazon 



If you loved what you heard and would like to enter to win a free 75 min session with me, share the love! In order to be entered to win, you must complete the following:

1. Subscribe to the podcast (Available on all platforms, including iTunes & Spotify.

2. A five star review.

3. A written review.

4. Take a screen shot of your review.

5. Email your screen shot to with POD REVIEW in the subject line.

*Written reviews will take up to 7 days to post onto Apple. Spotify requires that you listen to at least two episodes to leave a written review.

**I have chosen one winner so far for the giveaway! First winner will be announced soon and you still have time to enter.

 Feel free to share with a friend or loved one who you feel will benefit from a session.

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