10 Questions. 10 Points. 10 Minutes. 

It's Friday! Which means it's the final Perfect 10 of the week. Congratulations to everyone who has played along every day this week. And to all you newcomers, don't forget to go back to Monday's episode to catch up and bag yourself some extra points. You can find all of our previous episodes, including last week's shows, on our YouTube page and wherever you listen to podcasts. 

We've got 10 brand-new questions lined up for you today and in just 10 minutes, you'll be heading into the weekend feeling 10 times smarter. 

Thanks to everyone who has played along. We'll be back on Monday with a whole new week of questions but before then, join us on Sunday for a stitched together compilation of all 5 episodes from this week. 

Have a perfect weekend. 

Don't forget to hit subscribe to get daily episodes in your feed as soon as they drop. 

You can also find us on YouTube so head on over to https://www.youtube.com/@perfect10carol

Enjoyed this episode? Make sure to leave a comment and share with your friends and family to see who can score the most points.

Follow us on social media

Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/perfect10carol/

TikTok 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/@perfect10carol

And finally, head on over to www.Perfect10.uk to download your FREE Perfect 10 scorecard!

Perfect 10 is a Talent Bank production and is part of the Acast Creator Network. For more information, go to www.talentbank.uk

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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