Photography Made Simple

Photography Made Simple


Ever wish you had a photography mentor you could turn to for advice, so that you could learn photography quickly, and without the frustration and overwhelm that often comes with it?  That’s exactly wh...

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Ever wish you had a photography mentor you could turn to for advice, so that you could learn photography quickly, and without the frustration and overwhelm that often comes with it?  That’s exactly what you’ll get when you tune into the Photography Made Simple podcast! I’m on a mission to help photographers just like you grow their photography skills quickly, so you can shorten the learning curve and get photos you love faster. In this show you'll get actionable techniques, helpful insights and practical advice to help you capture the beauty of your everyday with ease. From camera settings, photo ideas and gear advice, to tackling editing, finding your style or exploring different photography genres, I cover it all. Tune in to get inspired, feel more confident behind the camera, and get photos you genuinely love.

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