A conversation about the paper Dr Rebecca Ressman published: "Physics of War in Space: How Orbital Dynamics Constrain Space-to-Space Engagements". We cover the main points of this incredibly interesting discussion, how we should be thinking about Conflicts in Space (and how our imagination is wrong when using sci-fi movies as a reference!). We also discuss one of the main concerns with conflict in space - space debris, and what will conflict in space look like in the coming decades.

Link to the paper: https://csps.aerospace.org/papers/physics-war-space-how-orbital-dynamics-constrain-space-space-engagements

Dr. Rebecca Reesman is a senior project engineer and policy analyst at The Aerospace Corporation. She provides technical support to the headquarters of the United States Space Force. She is also a policy analyst at Aerospace's Center for Space Policy and Strategy. Before joining Aerospace in 2017, Reesman was an American Institute of Physics Congressional Fellow working space, cybersecurity, and other technical issues for a member of Congress. Prior to the fellowship, she was a research scientist at the Center for Naval Analysis, designing, executing, and analyzing wargames.

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