Long lost treasure, trust issues, and uncharted waters. In the 100th episode of the Mummy Movie Podcast, we delve into the videogame adaption, Uncharted, staring Tom Holland, Sophia Taylor Ali, and Mark Wahlberg.


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MummyMoviePodcast


Email: mummymoviepodcast@gmail.com



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 Angeles, J. A. (2007). The battle of Mactan and the indigenous discourse on war. Philippine Studies55(1), 3-52.


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Uncharted 2022. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/?ref_=nv_home


Pigafetta, A. (2007). The first voyage around the world, 1519-1522: an account of Magellan's expedition. University of Toronto Press.


Pigafetta, A. (2012). Magellan's voyage: a narrative account of the first circumnavigation. Courier Corporation.


Verma, H. (2016). History of the World in Maps: The Rise and Fall of Empires, Countries, and Cities.

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