A Luchador Superhero, an evil Scientist Gangster, and an Aztec Mummy—it's all here in "The Curse of the Aztec Mummy." Join us as we review this Mexican masterpiece and use it as a jumping-off point to discuss some fascinating Aztec history.


Email: mummymoviepodcast@gmail.com


Patreon: Mummy Movie Podcast


Link to Film: The Curse of the Aztec Mummy (1957)



Aguilar-Moreno, M. (2006). Handbook to life in the Aztec world. Infobase Publishing.


Bassett, M. H. (2015). The fate of earthly things: Aztec gods and god-bodies. University of Texas Press.


Clendinnen, I. (2010). The cost of courage in Aztec society: Essays on Mesoamerican society and culture. Cambridge University Press.


Conrad, G. W., & Demarest, A. A. (1984). Religion and empire: The dynamics of Aztec and Inca expansionism. Cambridge University Press.


IMDB. (2023). The Curse of Aztec Mummy (1957). Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/?ref_=nv_home


León-Portilla, M. (2006). The broken spears 2007 revised edition: The Aztec account of the conquest of Mexico. Beacon Press.


Jansen, M., & Jiménez, G. A. P. (2017). Fifth Sun Rising. In Time and the ancestors (pp. 358-430). Brill.


Miller, M. E., & Taube, K. A. (1997). An illustrated dictionary of the gods and symbols of ancient Mexico and the Maya. Thames and Hudson.


Olivier, G. (2003). Mockeries and metamorphoses of an Aztec god: Tezcatlipoca, "lord of the smoking mirror".


Pennock, C. D. (2008). Bonds of blood: Gender, lifecycle, and sacrifice in Aztec culture. Springer.

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