A past life revealed by hypnosis, a cursed breastplate, and a genuinely scary mummy. In this episode, we look at a film that spawned a whole host of Mexican horror films inspired by the Universal Horror films of the 1930s and 40s. The Aztec Mummy (1957).


Email: mummymoviepodcast@gmail.com


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MummyMoviePodcast


Link to Film: https://archive.org/details/la-momia-azteca-subtitled



Aguilar-Moreno, M. (2006). Handbook to life in the Aztec world. Infobase Publishing

Clendinnen, I. (2010). The cost of courage in Aztec society: essays on Mesoamerican society and culture. Cambridge University Press.

Graulich, M. (1992). aztec Festivals of the rain Gods. INDIANA-Estudios Antropológicos sobre América Latina y el Caribe12, 21-54.

IMDB. (2023). The Aztec Mummy (1957). Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/?ref_=nv_home

León-Portilla, M. (2006). The broken spears 2007 revised edition: the Aztec account of the conquest of Mexico. Beacon Press.


Jansen, M., & Jiménez, G. A. P. (2017). Fifth Sun Rising. In Time and the Ancestors (pp. 358-430). Brill.


Pennock, C. D. (2008). Bonds of blood: gender, lifecycle, and sacrifice in Aztec culture. Springer.


Soustelle, J. (1955). Daily life of the Aztecs: on the Eve of the Spanish Conquest. O’Brian, P (Trans). Stanford University Press

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