We love science, but are there things we'd like to change about the way academic research works? Hell yeah! Join us on our journey, where we interview individuals who felt the same way and decided to do something about it.
This will not be a deep dive into grumpiness, but rather a collection of inspiring initiatives and the people behind them. Let's dream together about how to Do Science Differently!
This podcast is brought to you by SPOKES through The BIH QUEST Centre for Responsible Research. Your hosts are researchers from Berlin, Germany.
To keep up with episodes and engage in the discussion follow us on twitter: @DoSciDiff
For full show notes, transcripts and more information on this project brought to you through the BIH QUEST Centre for Responsible Research visit: https://www.bihealth.org/en/quest/projects/spokes
Sound editing and original music by Giorgio Cattaneo: https://linktr.ee/exoplanetrec Instagram: @giorgio.sauro.
Logo design and social media management by Anita Waltho: Twitter: @WalthoAnita.