In this week’s episode Katie and Stuart interview Mike Whetstone, who has over 25 years of military leadership and training experience and is a former FRS and TOPGUN instructor, and owner and president of BMK Ventures, a Vetfirst certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business. A big part of his business is helping prepare the medics in the field by putting together these kits that they can acquire, which contain all the resources they may need when faced with tough or intense physical situations on the battlefield.

  • History, fitness, and prep for flying in the Air Force 3:00
  • BMK Ventures 9:00
  • Military is a massive amount of footwork 16:00
  • Testing balance in military 25:00
  • Seeing the curvature of the Earth 31:00
  • Being disabled in service 33:00
  • Seeing the difference of the Barefoot Insoles 38:00

“It’s a young man’s game and I’ll tell you what, I creak and crack, and I pretty much blame pulling Gs on that.” 8:45 “Believe it or not, I told myself I was gonna run a marathon before I turned 40 and on my 40th birthday I hadn’t run one, so between 40 and 41 I ran 5, and then I kept running them until I messed my knee up. Now I stick mostly to the halves.”

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