In this episode Stuart and Katie have a chat about some of the things that popped up in other episodes when talking about injuries and how those can be avoided, as well as helping people recover from those injuries. They discuss women’s health and how their cycle can affect vulnerability to injury, and then how strengthening the muscles around ligaments is a good way to prevent injury, before also getting into how to increase brain function and speed by focusing on stimulating the proprioceptive nerve. “Getting the brain tuned through stimulating that proprioceptive nerve is absolutely fundamental.”

  • Women’s cycles and injury 4:35
  • Increasing brain speed 11:05
  • Helping kids with mental difficulties 17:00
  • Injury happens to everyone 24:40

“At the end of that program their average brain speed had come down to I think it was 80 milliseconds, which meant in real terms they were seeing the ball a third of the way down the bat distance from pitcher to batter, so that gave them the other 2 thirds of the time to figure out what they were gonna do, where they were gonna hit it, and bang, off they went. They actually tested them just after wearing the insoles and even just wearing the insoles had actually given a measurable brain speed change in the first week.” 14:50

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