Welcome to the Valhalla Club!

The month we sit down and chat with esteemed BattleTech novelist and new lead for the Catalyst Demo Team, Michael Ciaravella! Also joining us recurring guest Jason Hansa! This month's BattleTech Drink of the Month is...Scotch! Cheers!


BourBen “Master of Spirits”

Matt “The Northman”

John "Caveman"


Michael Ciaravella

Jason Hansa

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Email us at: thevalhallaclub@outlook.com

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This Episode is proudly sponsored by Aries Games and Miniatures where you can find everything you need for your Battletech addiction.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Mike "The Viking", Dave "Cerberus", Matt "The Northman", BourBen "Master of Spirits", John "Caveman". Innehållet i podden är skapat av Mike "The Viking", Dave "Cerberus", Matt "The Northman", BourBen "Master of Spirits", John "Caveman" och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.