We've just watched Season 1 Episode 2 of House of the Dragon and we really need to talk about it!

This week, Jamie East and Chris Mandle are joined by Radio 1 DJ, TV personality and all round Thrones superfan - the excellent Rickie Haywood-Williams.

It's a tense time for Viserys, with a big decision to make. Will he choose with his head, or his heart?

Meanwhile - Daemon is being a right pain over in Dragonstone... What's his beef?

Plus, Jamie offers some ancient Wisdom around the House Hightower.

Don’t forget - House of the Dragon airs exclusively on Sky Atlantic at 2am every Monday, then repeats that same evening at 9pm. You can also get it on Demand via NOW.

If you’d like to get involved in the podcast - just head over to twitter @dragoncast_pod or email dragoncast@daftdoris.com and leave us your Easter eggs, predictions and thoughts on the show. You can also WATCH this episode over on our YouTube channel - just search for "Dragoncast Jamie East".

Any support, whether it’s a follow, share, tattoo on your backside, is much appreciated.

Dragoncast is hosted by Jamie East along with the genius of Chris Mandle/

Produced by Connor Driscoll

Edited by Buddy Peace

And is a Daft Doris Production - Dracarys.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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