Join Sarah Kelly for a solo-episode that is inspired by the work of Clarissa Pinkola Estes in her book The Women Who Run With The Wolves. She writes about this experience of soul famine, or soul starvation. She defines this experience as the loss of depth and wonder in our daily lives; living in chronic disconnection from one's deeper, soulful nature. I would say this is the ailment of society at large. Soul famine is the chasm that occurs when we disown vital aspects of who we are in order to fit into the expected way of being within our families and societies. This episode offers invitations for reflection:

- In what ways have you experienced soul famine in your life?

- In what ways do you see this in society?

Reflecting on the larger collective picture and how the culture we're raised in shapes us, we can become aware of how detrimental it is for us to be disconnected from our hearts, our bodies, our emotions and our instincts – as is the reality for many of us who have been raised in today's world.

The takeaway from this episode is simple:

- How can you feed your soul life?

Many of you listening may already be many-years-deep into your inner work and soulful homecoming, and I would ask you, is there somewhere you're called to go even deeper? Is there somewhere in the garden of your ideas, creations, and dreams that could use a little more time, water, sunlight, or attention?

As someone who has been on this path of self-discovery for a good handful of years, I know that there are absolutely still invitations for me to deepen my connection with myself.

Wherever you are on your journey, let this episode be a reminder of the importance of nurturing soul life. Let us remember that this deeper nature within us needs nurturing. Time spent with nature, time spent in solitude, time spent in creation, time spent in rest, and time spent purely being are all ways to water the soul life.

Check out Sarah’s podcast:

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