If you like to laugh this is the episode for you - we're joined by Ruairi (ODAE) and Maxie (secat), long time producer buddies of Alexis and power couple behind a wonderful new split album Laugh Jokes, which we talk about in this episode alongside Koreless' Agor and Arthur Russell's World of Echo.

You can purchase secat and ODAE's Laugh Jokes at https://secat.bandcamp.com/album/laugh-jokes and watch the album visualiser at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq5nMpKnlcM. secat's moth of the world is out on Plaster Fe, and you can find that at https://plasterfe.com/album/moth-of-the-world, and you can hear ODAE's mixing and production work on projects like Maria BC's Spike Field, out now on Sacred Bones and available at https://mariabc.bandcamp.com/album/spike-field. Cop their shit it's SOOOO good.

You can find Alexis on twitter @regresssion.

You can find Boo on twitter @boocanan, and find her visual art @designbyboo and her music at boocanan.bandcamp.com. Commission her for your graphics imo.

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