In this episode, Dr Jamie Coleman is joined by Roi Weiser, MD, from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Suzanne Klimberg, MD, PhD, MSHCT, FACS, from the Division of Surgical Oncology at the University of Texas Medical Branch. They discuss their study, which shows that fluoroscopic intraoperative neoplasm and node detection (FIND) can be used to localize the biopsy clip marking a non-palpable breast or axillary lesion, obviating the need for an additional procedure to insert a localization device. Furthermore, FIND shows promising results, with decreased margin positivity and re-excision rate compared with wire localization.

Disclosure Information: Dr Klimberg receives book royalties from Elsevier, Springer, and Saunders. Drs Coleman and Weiser have nothing to disclose.

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